A River Life Smoke Guy pranced around us carrying burning coconut husks, readying us as sacrifice to the river crocs. Just kidding. It was to ward away the evil...mosquitoes, before we get fed to the crocs.
After getting smoked, our assigned River Life Guide made us wear lifevests before giving a lightning quick lesson on how to use a paddle. A few strokes of the paddle through the air then we were ready.
We gingerly got on our tandem kayaks lest we get fed to the crocs unceremoniously. I was the boss that night and let the guide do all the talking and rowing while I lay back and tried to see the moon and the fireflies through the gloom (I have very poor night vision and all the while I wondered how the guide could see through the murk).
I expected to see fireflies everywhere but, the guide explained, fireflies only flock to specific types of trees. So the guide slowly rowed to the firefly–magnet trees dotting the river while he explained about the area and how fireflies are indicators of a healthy and clean environment.

My very poor night vision haha
It was a nice night for lazily floating about while looking at live little Christmas lights fluttering around trees (fireflies were the inspiration for Christmas lights, so my guide said). But then the hour was soon up and we had to go back to the dock. I rolled on the dock in one piece. No scratches, no croc bites, no mosquito bites. Just a little soaked on the butt and a memory of darkness and a thousand flickering lights.
Mobile: 0948 017 7625 / 0908 873 8304
Landline: (038) 503 9655
Email: abatanriver@gmail.com
Landline: (038) 503 9655
Email: abatanriver@gmail.com
Entrance fee Php 50
Boat Tour
630PM / 730PM / 830 PM
3 to 5 pax: Php 600 per person
6 to 10 pax: Php 500 per person
Kayak Tour
Any time after 630PM
Single kayak Php 350
Tandem kayak Php 500
Guide Php 300
Bohol Bound
Abatan River Firefly Watching Tour (you're here!)
Do you happen to know how to go in Abatan River from Dumaluan beach?
ReplyDeleteHello. I think the best person(s) to answer your question are the people from Abatan Main Village Center. The contact numbers are posted above. Also, the rates above are from my visit in 2016. Rates might have already changed.